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122-mjurgm28m6zwwwtywhowzfuvy045axv0ov8i4qyxm4-e1453055589779Have you noticed that more and more people, even the younger ones, are falling sick with chronic conditions, cancer or autoimmune conditions? Consequently, the environmental toxins can change our genes, leading to physical disorders...

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The pineal gland becomes activated when you are in deep states of meditation, in which the brain exhibits the Gamma wave pattern...

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Silicone breast implants deteriorate over time, experts say, resulting in an increased risk of implant rupture. One study has estimated that 95% of implants can be expected to break within 20 years after surgical insertion...

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One of the fastest growing diseases in the industrial world is Alzheimer's disease (AD). This is characterized by massive degeneration of the brain that causes disruptions in memory, cognition, personality that finally culminates with brain death.